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Classical Clicks


Hello there!

My name is Richard Lin, and welcome to Classical Clicks. From innovations of Roman technology to the philosophical ideologies of the Greeks, this site is all about exploring my fascination into the Classical world. Growing up like any other Classicist, my favorite book was Percy Jackson, as I eagerly awaited every year for the next book in the series to come out. This led me to take Latin starting in 5th grade, and I have been in love with the language’s deep history and culture ever since.

Classical Clicks has given me a space to write about anything that sparks my interest. Come join me on my journey and discover facets of Greco-Roman history that you may not have known of before!

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The Acropolis

The Acropolis is found at the heart of the city of Athens. In Greek, ακρον (akron) means “high” and πολις (polis) means “city,” so acropolis

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